Kultur Elkarte bat
gara / We are a Cultural Association
Deskripzioa /
Motako Gaztelua 2008an
sortu genuen Kultur Elkarte bat da. Donostia hiriko gazteluaren izena aukeratu
genuen Euskaldunak libre zireneko garaitik irauten duen eraikin bakarra delako.
Gaztelua Euskaldunek Nafarroako Erresumaren bitartez eraiki zuten defentsa
sistemaren parte da. Eta guk hala izaten segitzea nahi dugu. Elkarteak helburu
du Donostiarrei gure Herria ulertzeko oinarriak ematea. 2016an erronka berria
suertatu zaigu, Donostia Europako Kultur Hiriburua izango delako.
Castle of the Motte is a cultural association created in 2008. We chose the name of the castle of the city of Saint Sebastian because it is the unique building that remains from the times that the Basques were free. The castle is part of the defensive system that the Basques built by means of the Kingdom of Navarre. And we want it will remain so. The aim of the association is to give some basis to the people of Saint Sebastian to understand our Country. In 2016 a new challenge has arisen because Saint Sebastian will be the Cultural Capital of Europe.
Castle of the Motte is a cultural association created in 2008. We chose the name of the castle of the city of Saint Sebastian because it is the unique building that remains from the times that the Basques were free. The castle is part of the defensive system that the Basques built by means of the Kingdom of Navarre. And we want it will remain so. The aim of the association is to give some basis to the people of Saint Sebastian to understand our Country. In 2016 a new challenge has arisen because Saint Sebastian will be the Cultural Capital of Europe.